Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Field Trip Idea

Field trip idea: Flat Iron Building

File:Edificio Fuller (Flatiron) en 2010 desde el Empire State crop boxin.jpg
    I think a good place to go for a field trip in our CAD class would be the Flat Iron Building. It is located in the borough of Manhattan in New York City and is a 175 foot skyscraper that is built to look flat. I think this would be a great place to go because it has a unique architecture and we can learn about the different levels of engineering that went into building it.
     We could walk through the different parts of the building and see all of the unique parts of the building's features. We can learn about the interior of the building and can see how CAD was used in during the design and construction stage of the building. This building is considered a National Historic Landmark and is a popular tourist attraction, amongst tourists. Overall, I think this is an interesting enough building for our class to visit and learn more about.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Professional Research: General Contractor

Intro to CAD 2013/Atkins
General Contractor

·         Primary Duty- responsible for oversight of construction sites and to manage vendors and trades.

·         Secondary Duty- communication of information to involved parties throughout a building project.

·         Produce- the material, labor, equipment/tools, and services necessary for construction projects.

·         Other professionals- they hire subcontractors to perform the construction work. Their responsibilities include applying for permits, securing the property disposing of construction waste and monitor schedules and cash flows.

·          They work at the job sight that they are overseeing.

·         Work about 45 hours a week but can vary depending on how much work is needed.

·         If they have less than one year of experience then they make $49,380

·         If they have 20 years of experience they earn $83,856

·         Middle of their career they earn $63,000

·         Benefits include medical insurance, life insurance, dental plans, paid holidays and paid vacations.

·         Should have a degree in architecture, surveying or construction science.

·         They should have experience working with blue prints

·         They require a criminal background check.

·         They need liability insurance and a license and permit.

·         Take classes in construction technology, computer drafting, estimating


             Three of the top schools in the U.S. for general contractors include:

Arizona State University (Construction engineering)

University of Washington-Seattle campus (Engineering)

 Brigham Young University (Engineering)


                                                            Pattison General Contractors